Keep services up with
TCP port monitoring tool.

Monitor your TCP communication and avoid unnecessary downtime.

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Check server uptime.

Ensure your server remains operational. Regularly verify its status by pinging its public IP address to prevent unexpected downtimes.

server availability graph

Track network devices.

Keep essential network devices operational using our straightforward and dependable monitoring solution.

ping monitoring devices on network

Monitor server response time.

Identify spikes in server response times. Our system checks your server's performance every minute.

monitor server response time chart

More features to boost your uptime.

IncludedContinuous alerts

Adjust threshold and recurrence settings to avoid overlooking any critical downtimes.

IncludedMaintenance windows

Configure maintenance windows to temporarily halt monitoring while performing updates.

IncludedIncidents with root causes

Lower the chance of repeated incidents by conducting a detailed analysis of the problem.

IncludedCustom request timeout

Prevent false positives in case there are any hiccups and set an up to 1-minute timeout.

IncludedMulti-location checks

We validate incidents across different geographic locations to minimize false positives.

IncludedShared account access

Let your colleagues access monitors and contacts with admin, read, write, or notify-only access.

Improve your uptime and the stability of your network now.

Start monitoring in 30 seconds

Get notified before it gets serious.

Be the first to know about incidents and get instant alerts when something happens. UptimeRobot offers up to 16 ways to get notified.


Email is the most popular way for any notification. Get alerted!


Get alerted instantly by SMS, useful when you are offline!

Voice call

Get an automated voice call from us whenever your website is down.


Slack messages are a great way to inform the entire team!


Get instant alerts via mobile push notifications in Pushover app.


Get instant alerts via mobile push notifications in Pushbullet Android app.


For advanced alerting you can setup custom webhooks to your specific system.

Splunk On-Call

Just set up a Splunk URL to notify and you are good to go!


Send up & down events and auto-resolve your incidents in PagerDuty.

Set up TCP monitoring in seconds.

Set up TCP monitoring and sit back. A reliable service will notify you every time your attention is needed.

Start monitoring in 30 seconds

Benefits of TCP monitoring.

mobile app icon

Maintain the availability of all services

Monitor if any port on your server remains open. We support all ports, including HTTPS, FTP, SMTP, IMAP, DNS, SSH, and more.

money saving icon

Improve user experience and usability

Keep positive user reviews and maintain the highest level of usability for your users while monitoring your services availability.

chat support icon

Get alerts and fix network issues before it’s too late

Identify problems and minimize disruptions with TCP monitoring and jump on the solution before it affects your users.

Reliable ICMP checks.

Ensure your servers and network devices stay connected through ICMP checks. Swiftly identify problems with active monitoring and real-time notifications, offering insights like traceroute and response time metrics.

icmp monitoring

Status page screenshot

Keep everyone posted with status pages.

Inform users about upcoming maintenance (also through email updates), enhance your incident management, and boost your team's cooperation to swiftly address any issues.

See why others value UptimeRobot.

Beat S., Marketing Consultant
5 stars rating

Using for over 7 years

The features of the Uptime Robot App & Dashboard are excellent. Since we have begun working with them for several years now, there have been no problems. Everything is simple to set up and utilize, which is great for our business's digital marketing efforts and the numerous clients we serve.

The personnel is courteous and really helpful, and the customer service is excellent as well. Absolutely no complaints! Great Application.

Reviewed on
Mikhail R., DevOps Engineer
5 stars rating

Great app for outside monitoring

We've been using it for more than half a year now and not long ago have bought a paid subscription. Great app design, a lot of monitoring customization features, huge amount of alerting pipelines ranging from email and push notifications to pagerduty and even telegram. And on top of that a wonderful support service, who helped find a couple of solutions for a problem just within 24h. Definitely would recommend.

Reviewed on
Iuri I., Small Business
5 stars rating

Amazing and free option

Great app for non-techy guys. And its free, seems unreal. It lets me know every time we have a problem with our server.

Reviewed on
Phil C., Web Designert
5 stars rating

Intuitive UI with excellent free 50 monitors offering.

Generous 50 free monitors set at 5 min intervals. The free package is sufficient and the pro isn't expensive.

Reviewed on
Ali K., Full Stack Developer
5 stars rating

Best server status monitoring service

UptimeRobot is among the services that have conquered my heart. It's great that the free version also provides a lot of possibilities, that it can track the server status very successfully and detect the slightest changes.

Reviewed on
Sayan D., Software Engineer
5 stars rating

Easy to use

Its free version is just awesome i use it for monitoring my server and its uptime information whenever my server gets down it sends an alert and after the recovery, it sends a proper message with downtime information too.

Reviewed on

TCP monitoring: Frequently asked questions.

  • What is TCP port monitoring?

    TCP port monitoring involves checking the status of Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) ports on servers to ensure they are open and listening for incoming connections. This monitoring is used to detect security breaches, performance issues, and to ensure the continuous operation of network services.

  • What is a TCP port?

    A TCP port is a numerical identifier in the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) used to specify a specific endpoint within a host computer or server on a network. It enables multiple network services to run simultaneously on a single device by providing unique addresses for each session, facilitating the routing of packets to the correct application.

  • What ports can you monitor?

    Our monitoring service covers a wide range of ports to ensure the comprehensive availability and performance of your network services. These include FTP (File Transfer Protocol), SSH/SFTP (Secure Shell/File Transfer Protocol), HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), HTTPS (HTTP Secure), DNS (Domain Name System), POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3), IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol), SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) for both ports 465 and 587, and MYSQL.

Get your FREE account now,
50 monitors included!

Start monitoring in 30 seconds
No credit card required!
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