
A Summary Of Beginning-To-Now

This is the first post of the Uptime Robot Blog and hi to everyone :).

Since the launch of the project (20 Jan 2010), we worked hard to make the system better and there has been several updates to it:

New Features:

  • Keyword checking (ability to check if a keyword exists or not in a webpage)
  • RSS alerts (get the alerts via RSS)


This is the biggest part that we have worked on.

We weren’t expecting such an interest on Uptime Robot as the system had few hundred users just in the first day.

We made a major update on the engine so that it can scale better. Now, it has an impressive performance.

Also, the database and the website now runs on different machines, so, if the website goes off, monitoring still continues.

What’s Upcoming?

We will have some exciting new feature announcements this week and Twitter accepted Uptime Robot‘s whitelisting request which means we can integrate Twitter as an alerting option now.

Other than that, we got requests for an iPhone application and “offers for help from iPhone app. developers”. This is one of the priorities.

There are more in our roadmap which will be popping our regularly. Feel free to subscribe to the blog’s RSS feed to keep updated.

And, thanks so so much for the awesome support you provided with suggestions and helping us sorting out any issues.

4 replies on “A Summary Of Beginning-To-Now”

My RSS do not work.

The error message:

404 – File or directory not found.
The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.

Thank you.

When i try to use the RSS. I got error:

An error has occurred; the feed is probably down. Try again later.

RSS feeds are created within the 10 minutes after an account is created. Just checked and it is ok now.

You don’t seem to have a contact address, so I’ll leave these suggestions here…

Your “add a monitor” widget does not allow spaces in URLs. It would be nicer to automatically encode (“%20”) them.

Similarly, it would be nice if the icons in the list of monitors had tooltips – I wasn’t entirely certain what the first one (“edit”) did.

Otherwise, thanks for a nice service.

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