
Keep Your Slack Integration Up to Date

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    Hi everyone!

    Slack has updated the process for adding webhooks. If you created your Slack integration after November 2024, it will continue to work. However, if it was created before that date, it is now obsolete. We strongly recommend updating it to prevent potential issues in case Slack discontinues support.

    How to update your Slack integration

    1. Open Slack integration in UptimeRobot: Navigate to Integrations & API in your UptimeRobot dashboard and select the Slack integration.
    2. Go to Slack’s webhook setup page: to set up the new webhook URL and learn more about the integration and advanced settings.

    1. Click on “Create an App” and select “From scratch”.

    1. Enter a name, pick a workspace, and click Create App.

    1. Scroll down to customize display information: Under Display Information, you can add the UptimeRobot logo, a short and long description, or a background color. Save Changes

    1. From the left menu, select Incoming Webhooks and toggle the switch to On.

    1. On this page, click “Add New Webhook to Workspace”, then choose the Slack channel where you want to receive notifications.
    2. Once generated, copy the webhook URL on the same page and return to your UptimeRobot dashboard.
    3. Paste the webhook URL into the Slack Webhook URL field and click the Update Integration button.

    1. You’re all set! If your Slack integration is already attached to your monitors, no further action is required.

    If you have any questions or suggestions, let us know and we’ll be happy to help. 


    Written by Tomas Koprusak

    Product Owner | LinkedIn

    Tomas Koprusak is a Product Owner at UptimeRobot. He has a rich history in similar roles at global IT powerhouses like IBM, where he started as a developer and moved to a Product Manager position, working with EMEA clients and colleagues from the US, Brazil, and China.

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