
UptimeRobot May 2021 Update: Discord integration and new payment processor

As promised, we’re back with other monthly updates! We’ve been swamped with different tasks during the last month, so let’s jump right into it. 

New Discord Integration

Every feedback from our beloved community is welcomed and from what you told us, Discord integration was one of those you missed. Discord alert contact can be simply created from your account at > “My Settings” > “Add alert contact”. 

Enter all details including the Discord webhook URL and you’re good to go. The Discord Webhook URL can be created from Discord’s Channel Settings > Integrations > WebHooks menu.

Let us know if there’s any other integration you’d like to see on UptimeRobot! 

New Payments Infrastructure

By the end of the month, Verifone (formerly 2Checkout) has surprised us on short notice as one of their payments processor informed them they will no longer accept MasterCard payments. We had around 4 days to integrate our new provider, Stripe – the good news is, you can buy SMS/Call credits using your credit card now! 

We’ll finish the migration process and related tasks, but luckily, this won’t affect you much anymore. 

Custom Domains for Status Pages

We’ve decided to make the custom domain part of the custom features available only in PRO plans. Free Status pages will be still available under a unique UptimeRobot URL. Your custom domain will result in a 404 page since the 5th of May. 

You can find the unique URL in your account at under “Status page” > “Global settings” > “Standard URL”. 

Let’s Encrypt and Cloudflare SSL Expiry Alerts

We increased the expiry notification frequency for free SSL certificates to unify them with all SSL alerts. From now, you’ll receive them 14, 7, and 1 day before the expiration, instead of 3 days before. 

Keyword Monitoring is NOT case-sensitive

We improved the keyword monitoring by removing the case sensitivity condition. You’ll receive notifications for every keyword present (or not) regardless of it. Keyword monitoring is a great way to create back-in-stock alerts for hard-to-get items like RTX 3080 graphic cards or PlayStation 5. 

Other Updates

Even though the last month was busy we were able to work on some content and design improvements to our web. We also made our Status pages GDPR compliant, added the option to unsubscribe directly from the page.

You can also enable a cookie bar for your Status pages from your account at > “Status pages” > “Global settings” > “Display cookie bar”. 

And that’s it! We’re looking forward to another successful month and the new challenges it will bring us. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments. Once again, thank you all for your continued support! 

Written by Kristian Kusenda

Marketing and Content Specialist | LinkedIn

Kristian brings a blend of technical expertise and creative flair to his role as Marketing and Content Specialist at UptimeRobot. He has a background working for global tech companies and several years of experience in the blockchain industry as a community manager and copywriter.

11 replies on “UptimeRobot May 2021 Update: Discord integration and new payment processor”

What about subscription payments with 2Checkout? I pay my pro subscription with a MasterCard. Is that still accepted?

Hi Andy, we just sent an expiration email to everyone as 2Checkout wasn’t able to help us with it since their issues with MasterCard. We have also integrated a new solution for new subscriptions available from your Dashboard. if you still need our help please let us know on, thank you.

Hi there. Will it be possible in future to add a comment to outages, or have an announcement tab on a status page? We use status pages for our clients to see when there is outage, and for instance there was an outage caused a power failure on the client’s premises. Of course a year later when we are renegotiating contracts they will see a six hour outage and not remember it was their infrastructure that caused this. If we could add a comment to outages it would help us keep track and also help our clients understand the reasons behind outages. Otherwise this is a 10/10 product. Thank you.

Hi, it’s not possible to edit down events and it’s not planned, but you can add announcements to your Status page.

Hi there!

Will it be possible in the future to have e-mail reporting with the general status of the month, if there was any down event, etc?

It would help a lot.

Thank you 😉


thank you for your feedback and suggestions! Yes, this is planned, but there’s no specific date for it yet.

For the Hearthbeat monitors, can you make it to accept more that a 24h interval?
For example I have several Cron Jobs that run once a month, but you monitor only accepts 24hs intervals, so it doesn’t work.

It will be nice if I can just paste the crontab schedule like “0 3 1 * *”

Or at least select more thank 24hs.


Hi Nico,

thank you for your suggestion, it’s already reported by some users, we’ll discuss it with our team 🙂

Let us know if there’s anything else!

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