
UptimeRobot April 2021 Update: Status pages and infrastructure updates

Following our latest updates, which, from now on, we’d love to share with you regularly, we’re happy to announce last month’s news. There’s always space for improvements while doing necessary maintenance, so let’s take a look at it. 

SSL certificate issuance

It’s great to see you enjoy using our redesigned status pages and we are happy to provide such a service to you! 

However, creating so many status pages and custom domains can be challenging. During the last months, the number of status pages increased significantly and we started hitting both rate limits of our Caddy web server and Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates issuer.

Thanks to the help of the Caddy creator himself and Let’s Encrypt’s awesome team, we have improved the overall process and increased the rate limits. 

TIP: Using Cloudflare? Take a look at these steps to configure it for a custom domain. 

Google Analytics for custom domains

Good news! From now on, you can add tracking to your status page if you are using a custom domain. Also, you can change the URL of your logo and send your visitors to your homepage.

You’ll find these settings in your account at under “Status Page” > “Global settings”.

Status pages optimization

We have also optimized the performance of our status pages by backend improvements and adding weekly/monthly pagination for announcements and updates. 

As you probably already know, you can show or hide downtimes grouped by day for a specific monitor in the Announcement feed. The latest downtime will be visible in the header. This won’t hide the events on a details page. If you have the “Show outage updates and the latest downtime” feature disabled, status updates pagination is monthly, otherwise, it’s weekly. 


Improvements regarding our infrastructure covered mostly the re-work of our remote nodes and migration of servers that is still in progress. 

We already announced in our Tech Updates Newsletter (subscribe from your account’s “My Settings” if you wish to receive them) that a remote-node IP address has been changed to the new IP address:

TIP: You can always find the current list of our IP addresses at

Fixed weekly maintenance windows

Some users might have experienced some issues with our weekly maintenance windows while the other types were working without issues. We decided to completely re-work it and fixing it for the long term this way. A big thanks to everyone who waited patiently for the fix!

PagerDuty Integration

Last but not least. Our PagerDuty integration was around for some time already, but we’re happy to announce that it’s now official! We joined the partner program and maintained an official coop. 

Take a look at the complete walkthrough of the PagerDuty integration. Here’s how it looks on their end: 

That’s all folks! 

As usual, we’re constantly busy with improving and maintaining UptimeRobot to provide the best monitoring service you deserve. We’ll get back to you with some fresh updates soon! Thank you for being a part of it. 

Written by Kristian Kusenda

Marketing and Content Specialist | LinkedIn

Kristian brings a blend of technical expertise and creative flair to his role as Marketing and Content Specialist at UptimeRobot. He has a background working for global tech companies and several years of experience in the blockchain industry as a community manager and copywriter.

12 replies on “UptimeRobot April 2021 Update: Status pages and infrastructure updates”

I’d love it if your RSS feed included the entire article as opposed to the current situation of the title and the truncated body.
I find the articles useful, but my primary means of consumption is my RSS reader.


Any plans for adding internationalisation for status pages? I’d love to see Brazilian Portuguese added both to status page and mobile app.

Thanks a lot!

Hi and thank you for your feedback! There are no plans for this at the moment, but we’ll write it down as a suggestion.

Just received an email saying that my status page is going down in a week if I don’t pay for the PRO version. Thing is that I don’t really need other features. It seems that you will be taking down any “custom linked domain Status page”.

I really like UptimeRobot, been using it for a while now, but I’ll probably move to Freshstatus or a self-hosted solution in this case. Currently, my org has no size/need for most of the PRO features.

Hi Diogo, thank you for your feedback. The free status page will still be available on our unique UptimeRobot URL. We’re happy to offer a lot for free, new features and high-quality service thanks to our customers who are happy to support us with $7/$8 per month, but we understand your view.

Hi Kyle, since yesterday, we informed about this through two emails sent.

I never got an email about this crucial change which had taken my status page offline. I checked my spam, I checked all emails I’ve ever gotten from UptimeRobot and there’s only been the activation email. Anyway, I don’t require any other pro feature aside from my custom domain, which would be an unnecessary expense seeing that other services provide this basic feature for free. My clients were the ones who pointed out that my own status page wasn’t working and is unreliable, an embarrassment due to this abrupt change. As I said, I received no email notice.

UptimeRobot is already advertised in the page itself, and I don’t see providing such a feature as allowing our URLs to point to the page as costing UptimeRobot anything additional. I understand it being made a premium-only feature for future users to provide more value to the subscription, but custom domains should have been grandfathered in for existing accounts. Very disappointing, I’m sorry but this was not a good move to straight out break existing users’ status pages, I will have to use another service to fulfill my needs.

Hi Alex, thank you for your feedback and we are sorry you didn’t receive our email – we sent two emails to everyone included. Thank you for using our service and we wish you good luck in your future endeavors.

It would be great to have ability to sort sites on status page by their status. When you have 500+ sites it becomes a useful feature.

Also it would be nice to have response time both for each site and overall for all sites on a status page.

Hi Alex, you can sort your monitors by status on the same page when adding them ( > Status page > Monitors > Selected monitors upper right corner). I’m not sure about the second request, do you mean an average response time for all sites?

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