
Getting Uptime Ratios Of Any Period Via API – Now Possible!

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    Since the release of the API, the “all time uptime ratio” for each monitor is provided by default. Many users have asked for the ability to get weekly and/or monthly uptime ratios to integrate more values into their websites/apps. Today, we have added a new variable to the getMonitors method which can return the uptime […]


    New API Methods & Updates (About Alert Contacts)

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      With the release of monitor-specific alert contacts, the API is updated accordingly and also gained some new methods. Updates alertContactIDs should be sent when creating or editing monitors to define which alert contacts to be notified of up/down events getMonitors method can now return the alert contacts of a monitor with adding showMonitorAlertContacts=1 to the […]


      New Feature – Each Monitor Can Have Different Alert Contacts

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        Once a monitor is detected as down (and back up), Uptime Robot was sending notifications to all alert contacts defined in the “My Settings” page.. until today. We have rolled an exciting update today where you can assign different alert contacts for each monitor. Let’s say: you have 10 monitors, 3 of them are your […]


        Monitor-Specific apiKeys & Improvements On API

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          Since the launch of the API ~a month ago, we are so excited to see many users integrating Uptime Robot ratios to their websites or auto-creating/deleting monitors from their apps. Also, several wrappers and code samples are shared which eases consuming the "easy-to-use" API more. As you know, the standard Uptime Robot apiKey can pull […]


          New Feature: Monitoring Password-Protected Websites

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            The websites or web pages preferring to stay private and having a password (Basic access authentication), normally returns HTTP 401 status which ends up being marked as “down” by Uptime Robot. Uptime Robot now has support for monitoring password-protected websites by optionally mentioning the username-password in the monitor’s settings. The feature exists for both HTTP […]


            New Feature: Push Notifications For iPhone, iPad And iPod (…And Mac Desktop)

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              Besides being the developers of Uptime Robot, as website owners, we know that getting notified of downtimes instantly is so important. Uptime Robot already has a wide range of notification methods: e-mail, text message, Twitter DMs, RSS and API. Today, we are introducing a new notification method: push notifications for İOS -iPhone, iPad And iPod– […]