SSL monitoring

Top 10 SSL Monitoring Tools

Reliable SSL monitoring is crucial to every website and online service. Without it, you can lose customers, profits, and even your position in search engine rankings. 

But which SSL certificate monitoring is the best? 

Why Is SSL Monitoring Important

SSL certificate monitoring is necessary to confirm that communication with your website is encrypted and safe.

84% of users would abandon a purchase if the connection is not secure.Source: 

What will happen if you miss an invalid SSL certificate?

Your visitors will see a warning: 84% of users won’t finish the purchase (source:

You’ll lose trust and customers: 78% of users would stop engaging with the brand if there was a security breach (source:

You can’t accept credit card payments: every bank and fintech company will deny your merchant account.

Your website will be slower: owning an SSL certificate results in faster loading times, especially on mobile devices.

It can impact your SEO ranking negatively: more than 95% of traffic across Google is secured with an SSL certificate (source: Google’s Transparency Report).

Best SSL Monitoring Tools To Choose From

Every SSL monitoring tool has different prices, features, and a range of SSL updates it can catch. But these are not the only factors we’ve considered in our list.

1. UptimeRobot

UptimeRobot SSL certificate monitoring

UptimeRobot is an advanced uptime monitoring tool that comes with many features. With UptimeRobot, you can choose from HTTP(S), keyword, ping, port, and cron job monitoring. 

While monitoring your SSL certificate, precise monitoring intervals will also let you know when your website is down, no matter the reason. 

UptimeRobot alerts you when there’s any SSL error and 30/14/7 days before your SSL certificate expires

You’ll also receive notifications via up to 12 different integrations whenever there’s something wrong with your SSL certificate. 

UptimeRobot integrations

Another advantage of UptimeRobot is that you can simultaneously monitor other common website errors.  

UptimeRobot has modern and advanced mobile apps for iOS and Android, in addition to  aesthetically appealing status pages.

Pros Cons
✅10 – 1000 or more domains ❌Dashboard design is outdated
✅Advanced monitoring
✅Different monitor types
✅12 notification options
✅Mobile app
✅No technical knowledge needed

You’ll definitely get the most value for the best price – try a $7/month plan and see for yourself.

Get 10 SSL monitors for just $7

2. TrackSSL

TrackSSL SSL monitoring

TrackSSL is a simple tool used mainly to monitor certificate expiration. It also checks for SSL changes, which include updates made to the certificate by your provider. Unfortunately, it doesn’t mention any SSL errors.

When it comes to notifications, only e-mail, SMS, Slack and MS Teams are available – but in order to use MS Teams you’ll have to upgrade to a paid plan. 

Considering the limits of this service, the monthly price is not very tempting. While the first two domains are free, monitoring 20 domains requires a $17 per month (paid annually) upgrade. To monitor 80 domains it’s $35. 

Pros Cons
✅Easy to use ❌Price
✅Nice design ❌Only 4 integrations
❌Limited monitoring

3. Sematext

Sematext SSL monitoring

Sematext offers SSL monitoring under their Synthetics service. Therefore, it is more complicated and technical, and the price is high compared to other SSL certificate expiration monitoring options.

It’s a better option when you’re looking for more feature than just an SSL monitoring. The monthly price starts at $29 for 40 monitors.

Notifications are also limited. You need to upgrade to a higher plan for $99 per month to use webhooks or ChatOps integrations (that can send alerts to platforms like Slack and PagerDuty). 

Another downside of this SSL certificate monitoring service is that support is only available for paid plans. 

Pros Cons
✅SSL errors monitoring ❌Price
✅Checks certificate authorities ❌Limited integrations
❌Complicated interface
❌Limited support

4. SSL Certificate Expiration Alerts 

SSL Certificate Expiration Alerts SSL monitoring

SSL Certificate Expiration Alerts is the most minimalistic solution available. 

You guessed it, SSL certificate expirations are the only alerts this tool can send you. You won’t get any alerts regarding updates or issues to your certificate.

Additionally, it only offers e-mail notifications. However, it is completely free

On the other hand, this means that you can’t manage and edit your alerts. The only way to remove them is through the e-mail alerts you’ll receive. 

Pros Cons
✅It’s free ❌Only expiration alerts
✅Enough for hobby projects ❌No dashboard and editing
❌Only e-mail alerts

5. Datadog

Datadog SSL monitoring

Datadog offers SSL monitoring as part of their complex and very technical monitoring service. 

Therefore, it’s also not the best option to monitor SSL expiration if you’re not interested in their other solutions. They have multiple pricing plans, which can get quite confusing for a newcomer. 

SSL certificate monitoring from Datadog starts from $5/month per 1 monitor.

One plus from Datadog is that they’ll alert you about common SSL errors. Although the interface is one of the most complex and technical out there.

Pros Cons
✅All SSL alerts ❌Very complicated
✅Detailed incident reports ❌High price

6. BetterStack

BetterStack goes beyond the basics with its SSL certificate monitoring, offering a full spectrum of website health checks. This includes both tracking certificate expiration and scanning for vulnerabilities and configuration errors that could jeopardize your site’s security.

When it comes to notifications, BetterStack covers a wide array with options like Slack, PagerDuty, email, and SMS.

However, to access some of the more advanced integration features, a higher-tier plan is necessary.

Pricing might be a sticking point for some, even though there is a free plan available. Starting at $25/month (billed annually) for the most basic monitoring package, the cost escalates with the addition of more sophisticated features and higher monitoring frequencies.

Pros Cons
✅ Comprehensive SSL and performance monitoring ❌ Can be complex for beginners
✅ Vulnerability detection and configuration checks ❌ Higher-tier plans can be pricey
✅ Customizable alerts and integrations

7. Smartbear

Smartbear specializes in detailed analysis and monitoring, offering insights into the health of your SSL certificates.

Their AlertSite tool goes further by checking not just for expiration dates, but also for misconfigurations and potential security issues.

Notification options with Smartbear are a bit limited unless you’re willing to pay for higher-tier plans. Basic alerts come through email and Slack, but for more comprehensive notification options, such as SMS or custom webhooks, upgrading your plan is necessary.

For businesses needing tailored monitoring solutions, Smartbear provides custom pricing, which could be a hurdle for budget-conscious users.

On the upside, you can have a free trial for every one of their tools.

Pros Cons
✅ In-depth SSL certificate analysis ❌ Custom pricing can be unclear
✅ Real-time alerts and detailed reports ❌ May require technical knowledge to fully use
✅ Free trials for every tool

8. offers a no-frills approach to SSL certificate monitoring, focusing solely on the essentials: expiration and renewal alerts.

Its simplicity is its strength, making it an excellent option for those who want straightforward monitoring without the complexity of additional features.

However, this simplicity also means limited functionality. does not provide vulnerability scans or configuration checks, focusing instead on basic uptime and SSL monitoring. Notification options are basic but effective, covering email, Slack, Zapier, and SMS. stands out with its flexible pay-as-you-go pricing model, making it an exceptional choice.  For less than $70, you can monitor 50 domains every 30 seconds, offering a robust and affordable monitoring solution.

Additionally, SSL certificate monitoring starts at a remarkably low rate of $0.01 per month, further emphasizing’s commitment to providing value.

Pros Cons
✅ Cost-effective solution for SSL monitoring ❌ Limited to basic SSL certificate checks
✅ User-friendly interface ❌ Lacks advanced vulnerability scanning
✅ Supports critical integrations for alerts

Honorable Mentions: Open-source SSL monitoring

If you enjoy preparing your own solution, here are some SSL certificate monitoring open-source solutions worth mentioning.

These two projects stand out, starting with Certificate Expiry Monitor which you can find on GitHub.

9. Certificate Expiry Monitor

Available on GitHub, Certificate Expiry Monitor is a simple project that exports the expiration dates of SSL certificates to Prometheus – an open-source project used for monitoring and alerting. 

10. SSL Certification Expiration Checker

SSL Certification Expiration Checker is simply a shell script you can run from a cron job. After it reports on expiring SSL certificates, an e-mail will be sent through Nagios to warn you. 

What Happens When Your SSL Certificate Expires?

The expiration of an SSL certificate is not just a minor inconvenience; it can lead to a series of adverse outcomes that impact both the user experience and the website’s credibility. 

Here’s what can happen if you neglect your SSL certificates.

Browser Warnings

The most immediate effect of an expired SSL certificate is the browser’s display of security warnings to visitors. This alert suggests that the connection is not secure, prompting many users to leave the site immediately to protect their data.

Decreased Trust

Trust is a cornerstone of digital interactions. An expired SSL certificate signals neglect and can significantly erode users’ trust in your brand, leading to a loss of customer loyalty and potential revenue.

Impact on Transactions

For e-commerce sites, an expired SSL certificate is particularly detrimental. Modern web browsers may block transactions, or users may choose not to proceed with purchases due to security concerns, directly affecting your bottom line.

SEO Penalties

Search engines prioritize user security. An expired SSL certificate can result in lower search rankings, reducing your site’s visibility and leading to fewer visitors.

Vulnerability to Attacks

Beyond the immediate impacts, an expired SSL certificate leaves your website more vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks and data breaches, compromising user data and further damaging your reputation.

Given these consequences, it’s clear that proactive SSL certificate monitoring and renewal are essential to maintaining the security, trustworthiness, and user experience of your website.

How to Choose the Right Tool? 

Consider these rules of thumb when choosing an SSL certificate monitoring tool.

Don’t rely on SSL expiration monitoring only. Your SSL monitoring tool should also cover updates and errors.

Make sure you’re paying a reasonable price for what you get

Monitor SSL certificates that renew automatically, they could have issues too.

Consider additional features and monitor types as a plus. Monitoring other errors associated with your URL adds great value to your SSL monitoring.


Don’t settle for SSL expiration alerts only. Choose the best SSL certificate monitoring tool for the right price. 

Many tools only focus on the SSL expiration date, while UptimeRobot offers you much more for a better price. Starting from 10 monitors, you’ll get up to 12 notification integrations along with many other features – including status pages and uptime monitoring.

Start monitoring your SSL certificates for just $7/month and see how simple yet effective it is.

Start SSL monitoring now

Disclaimer: The information provided on this page is for informational purposes only. Our rankings and reviews are based on our own research and analysis, aimed at providing unbiased, objective, and reliable information to our readers. Despite our affiliation, we strive to maintain objectivity and factual accuracy in our content.

However, we cannot guarantee that all information presented is up-to-date or entirely accurate. We encourage you to conduct your own research and consult with professionals before making any decisions based on the information found on this page. If you detect any inaccuracies, please do not hesitate to inform us.

Written by

Copywriter | LinkedIn

Laura Clayton is a copywriter with a BA in fiction writing from Columbia College Chicago. From holding a position as a background investigator retained by the United States government, to teaching English, and writing about real estate, Laura has a diverse and varied background. She has been writing for SaaS companies since 2019 in a wide range of industries.

Expert on: Cron job monitoring, Observability, Status pages, Website Monitoring

Our content is peer-reviewed by our expert team to maximize accuracy and prevent miss-information.

Fact checked by Tomas Koprusak

Product Owner | LinkedIn

Tomas Koprusak is a Product Owner at UptimeRobot. He has a rich history in similar roles at global IT powerhouses like IBM, where he started as a developer and moved to a Product Manager position, working with EMEA clients and colleagues from the US, Brazil, and China.

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