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Many of the Uptime Robot users are enjoying the RSS notification feature which allows "anyone (with your unique RSS address)" to view all up/down events of your account via RSS. Some developers use this for integrating the events to their websites and others add the feed to their RSS readers to see any events from […]
The number of users utilizing Uptime Robot is regularly growing and, in order to fulfill this growth, a new monitoring engine will be added to the system by this Monday (2 July 2012). If you never needed to whitelist Uptime Robot's IPs to make the monitoring work correctly, than it is ok to ignore this […]
It is possible to add many monitors to Uptime Robot and get notified of any downtime (and uptime). However, there can be times where you may want to bulk stop them (like during a server restart) . You can do that now. With few clicks, you can stop, start or delete all monitors. The “Bulk […]
New posts are usually added once a new feature is added and Its been a while since a new feature is introduced. For the last few months, we were heavily optimizing the engine, notifications, API usage and fixing small bugs to handle the growth. Things were already working good but we want to make sure […]
Since the release of the API, the “all time uptime ratio” for each monitor is provided by default. Many users have asked for the ability to get weekly and/or monthly uptime ratios to integrate more values into their websites/apps. Today, we have added a new variable to the getMonitors method which can return the uptime […]
With the release of monitor-specific alert contacts, the API is updated accordingly and also gained some new methods. Updates alertContactIDs should be sent when creating or editing monitors to define which alert contacts to be notified of up/down events getMonitors method can now return the alert contacts of a monitor with adding showMonitorAlertContacts=1 to the […]
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