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We have added few new features to the API which may look tiny, yet, can be handy for anyone integrating with the API. Here they are Search This (search) is a new parameter for the getMonitors method for filtering the responses with a given keyword (that will be searched in the monitorURL and monitorFriendlyName). Getting […]
We are planning to add “public status pages” as a built-in feature to Uptime Robot. Yet, there are services which are specialized in this area, offering advanced features and already work with Uptime Robot. We’re happy to announce the completion of our integration with one of them: StatusCast. This will allow Uptime Robot customers to create their […]
Uptime Robot offers many ways to get notifications: e-mail, SMS, push messages, web-hooks, 3rd party integrations and more.. And, it delivers a “down message” once a monitor is down and an “up message” once it is back up. The advanced notification options For the Pro Plan, it is now possible to: get a “down notification” only […]
The past stats and events related to a monitor is pretty important to analyze its performance within time. Uptime Robot keeps events back to: 2 months for Free Plan 1 year for Pro Plan and response times back to: 24 hours for Free Plan 1 year for Pro Plan However, there can be times where a monitor may […]
Uptime Robot, a project that have started out of curiosity 5+ years ago, has now grown so much. Since the last year, we are a full-time team working on it, providing fast support and trying very hard to keep the service simple, solid and modern. In order to guarantee its future and keep offering a […]
Chat rooms were widely used in the early days of the internet, instant messengers replaced them afterwards and they are getting popular again with a much focused use: team communication. It is really handy to have all the members of a team talk to each other at the same place and have all that info saved (for searching later on). […]
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